How to look for the best agency to sell an Auckland apartment or house
There is a difference between selling apartments and houses. Selling apartments is a very specialised market and often the buyers are a different group of people to those who are looking for a house.
At Apartment Specialists it’s all we do, we only do apartments and we are focused on putting you in control. There are other agencies who predominantly do apartments too; make sure you do your research and go with what suits you and your circumstances better.
Andrew Murray from Apartment Specialists. Who specialises in selling apartments?
Now just like if - which happens quite often, I have people come up and ask me:
"Can I sell a house?"
I will say, "No."
They will go, "Why not? You did a great job with me, with my apartment."
I go, "Well I can sell your house. But I know I am not the best man for the job and the reason is, I do not specialise in houses".
My market is apartments, which is a very specialised market. It is very unique. You've got a unit titles act. You've got a lot of different types of buyers. There is a lot of different ways you can add value which is very different to the housing market. I'm not confident in doing houses because I know there is somebody out there who can probably do it better.
Now that is not in case with apartments, then obviously that is what I do. Now I hope if somebody had an apartment and they went to a housing agent. And you know the majority of the business is houses - they said to them - "Would you like to sell my apartment?" That they would say - "No, I'm not the best agent for the job." In an ideal world, that is what should happen. But unfortunately that does not happen. Most agents sell whatever they can, as that is the nature of the business.
Now to help you look for or find the best agent or agency for you, besides obviously listening to myself, from Apartment Specialists. There is also a few other agencies that do apartments or the majority of what they sell is apartments. Now you have got - the only two agencies which only do apartments - The Apartment Specialists and City Sales and you have also got Ray White. Their office down on Lorne Street, and Britomart. And then you have got Barfoots. Now they do a lot of the mortgagee sales. And you have got Baileys down on the waterfront. They do a lot of leasehold stuff. I've got a few agents who do some character stuff. And you've got Property Asia. The name says it all. And that is pretty much it. You've got other ones which dabble here and there but those are the main offices that have agents which - the majority of what they sell are apartments. That is where you will find the true apartment specialists. And there are those particular branches which are in the CBD.
So have a look around. Find out which agent or agency is best for you. Always make sure when you are going with an apartment or house you are going with somebody who specializes in: a. In your apartment and b. In your area. I hope that helps.
Next week, I am going to be talking about how to choose the right Auckland real estate agent for you.
Good. Thank you.
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