8 Airedale Street, City Centre
- This location has been autonomously mapped, it may not be exact.
Queens Residences, AUCKLAND offers excellent value for money.
This 40m2, 1 bed plus flexi room doesn't have much competition in the market.
The unit is BANK FRIENDLY, has amazing VIEWS, and is extremely rentable or perfect as a first home.
So much is happening in the area with Aotea Station, green zones, and pedestrianization to name a few.
A very engaged Body Corp and new building code construction offer peace of mind.
Call today for a private viewing at 1904/8 Airedale Street, AUCKLAND!
Note: While some tenants and owners may use the flexi room as a bedroom, it is not legally consented to be one. The chattels in the photos may vary from what is being sold, please check the chattels list if this is important to you.
Facts & Features
Lai Nguyen
Mark Osborn
*Flexi: While some tenants and owners may use the flexi room as a bedroom, it is not legally consented to be one.
Disclaimer: Apartment Specialist are often asked to give information as to the area or dimensions of properties, including rooms, decks and patios. Apartment Specialists sources such information from third party sources (for example Council records, building management records) and passes this on; unfortunately it is not uncommon for such information to be inaccurate. If exact and accurate sizes or dimensions is an important factor in your decision then you as Purchaser must make your own independent enquiry from your own chosen expert (for example a registered valuer).
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