30 Symonds Street, City Centre
- This location has been autonomously mapped, it may not be exact.
30 Symonds Street, City Centre
Better than Bitcoin!
Just another way of saying CASH COW!!! Let's keep this one short 'n' sweet...
This is a FREEHOLD Auckland apartment and situated in the Auckland university district with the potential to return OVER 6% NET!
Who needs Bitcoin? Make CASH the old-fashioned way at the Princeton complex at 30 Symonds Street.
Call today for information or to book a viewing for this Princeton apartment at 30 Symonds Street, Auckland Central.
1. Photos used are of a similar unit in the same complex, some furniture may be different. Speak to agent for details.
Facts & Features
Title Type
Rental Appraisal
$350-$400 /week
Estimated Net ROI
No Pets
Daniel Hillier
Jesse Smith
Disclaimer: Apartment Specialist are often asked to give information as to the area or dimensions of properties, including rooms, decks and patios. Apartment Specialists sources such information from third party sources (for example Council records, building management records) and passes this on; unfortunately it is not uncommon for such information to be inaccurate. If exact and accurate sizes or dimensions is an important factor in your decision then you as Purchaser must make your own independent enquiry from your own chosen expert (for example a registered valuer).
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