207 Federal Street, City Centre
- This location has been autonomously mapped, it may not be exact.
207 Federal Street, City Centre
City Centre Living
Whether you are looking for your first property or just looking for a great investment, look no further as this Auckland apartment ticks all the boxes.
Located at 207 Federal Street within minutes' walk of Queen St, SkyCity and AUT, you will easily stroll to wherever you need to go from this apartment.
With the underground Railway Station planned near Aotea Square and the new SkyCity Convention Centre currently under construction on Hobson St. This Federal Street location has so much more to offer!
This Federal City complex comes with a swimming pool, gym, and maintenance of the building is kept to a high standard with an onsite building manager.
Be quick to pick up the phone, and our sales team will be happy to run you through the numbers.
Call Today to view this Federal City apartment at 207 Federal Street, Auckland central.
Note: Photos used are of a similar unit in the same complex, some furniture may be different. Speak to agent for details.
Facts & Features
Title Type
Rental Appraisal
$500-$530 /week
Estimated Net ROI
No Pets
Alastair Bull
Peter Lambe
Disclaimer: Apartment Specialist are often asked to give information as to the area or dimensions of properties, including rooms, decks and patios. Apartment Specialists sources such information from third party sources (for example Council records, building management records) and passes this on; unfortunately it is not uncommon for such information to be inaccurate. If exact and accurate sizes or dimensions is an important factor in your decision then you as Purchaser must make your own independent enquiry from your own chosen expert (for example a registered valuer).
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